Easily Build Monetizeable Websites For Niche Blogs, Video Blogs, Affiliate Sites and More…

YIVESites Websites

Buy Now During Pre-Launch


Table of Contents

What Is YIVESites?

One of the biggest reasons people never make money online is because they never get started or don’t know how.  YIVESites makes this process much easier by auto-creating different types of websites for you.

YIVESites is a cloud-based, automated website builder you can use to build an empire of websites.  It’s a unique platform that was created and managed by the same team as YIVE and YIVERanker which are both amazing products I use in my business.

With YIVESites, you can easily create these types of websites:

  • News websites
  • Magazine style websites
  • Affiliate stores
  • Niche blogs
  • Video sites
  • PBN’s (Private blog network)

Also included is extensive training on how to use the site types to build an automated empire network for continuous income.

What Makes YIVESites Unique?

This is one of the most unique platforms on the Internet for building websites easily without having to have tech-skills or any kind of experience.  In fact, YIVESites was built ground-up from a full time online marketing team so they created it to be easily accessible and super easy to use.

Here’s what makes YIVESites unique:

  • Cloud Hosted:  It’s all managed online.  Access it from anywhere at anytime.  No need to set up your own web hosting or battle web hosts for support.
  • No Plugins:  This is huge. Right now the #1 website building platform is WordPress. It does it’s job very well but can take a bit to learn using the right plugins and making sure they are always updated.  If just one plugin is not maintained, it can create havoc on your WordPress website.  With YIVESites, there’s no need for plugins, everything is already built-in.
  • Automated Content:  Let your website grow all on it’s own using a variety of sources such as affiliate data feeds, YouTube video channels, RSS feeds, News API’s and more.
  • 1-Click Site Creation:  Creating your website is super easy.. just click and choose your monetiziation strategy.  You can build your YIVESite using their sub-domain or you can add your own domain.
  • SEO Tools: The built-in SEO features makes it easy to optimize your YIVESite so it can rank the best as possible in search engine such as Google.
  • Monetization Options: Want to monetize your website?  You have several options built-in!  From easily integrating affiliate networks, ad networks or even using the YIVESites integrated content monetization system.

YIVERanker Content system

Creating content for your website can be one of the most time consuming parts of online marketing.  Thankfully, YIVESites made this a whole lot easier by adding multiple sources for you to use to generate content.

  • RSS to Post:  Add any RSS feed from your favorite sources or other RSS feed tools and YIVESites will import content to your website.
  • News API Integration:  Easily connect your site to a niche news site for using quality content people actually read.
  • Datafeed Stores:  This is HUGE for affiliate marketers!  When you integrate an affiliate feed through the API, your store will auto build itself using affiliate products and your affiliate ID all on auto-pilot.
  • Amazon Niche Blogs:  Build compliant Amazon affiliate niche blogs and easily load them up with products based on keywords or using product ASIN’s.
  • Video Autoblogs:  Build out entire sites based completely on YouTube videos.  Just enter a keyword and let it run non-stop adding new content to your site.

What’s Included With YIVESites Training?

This isn’t just a platform to build sites you can monetize.  YIVESites offers incredible training on exactly how to build and use these sites to build a passive income.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • How to build an Automated Empire Network to drive revenue 24/7/365 
  • How to build a branded affiliate store for your niche
  • How to properly build your social hub for your money site
  • How to build feeder sites and automate content generation for them.
  • How to build a destination site fortress and automate the content generation.
  • How to structure content syndication systems that bring users from other networks to your site.
  • How to build feeder video channels and automate content generation for them
  • How to build an ad strategy for your money site and never pay for clicks.
  • How to monetize every site in your network without using affiliate links or ad networks.
  • How to build an entire automated content network and flip it to niche buyers.
  • How to find and buy powerful domains to use with your websites.
  • How to build and auto-monetize PBNs without doing any selling yourself.
  • How to build monetized autoblogs to feed your networks every day.

YIVESites Pricing

YIVESites will soon be a monthly subscription but during pre-launch, you can get lifetime access for just a one-time price.  And if you want more, you can just stack your purchases and buy multiple.

The official release date for YIVESites is currently set to Feb 1st, 2021.

Why Buy YIVESites

  1. You don’t need to buy or deal with web hosting.
  2. You don’t have to worry about plugins or extensions.
  3. You can export all your content if you ever decided to cancel.
  4. You can use your own domain name instead of a subdomain if you want.
  5. You can sell the websites and provide them with their own admin login.
  6. You can give access to virtual assistants.